Monday, July 27, 2015

Danny's second day

My husband and I decided to take Danny on a mini trip the day after we got him. He attracted so much attention from people especially children. Danny loves kids. He saw a few kids playing near us and tried to follow them. Of course, we had to chase him down before he ran too far from us. 
Danny had a great time playing in the grass. He loves grass! So much that he tried to eat some. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Danny's first Vet visit

My husband and I took Danny to see the vet two days after we got him. He weighed in at 1lb. 
Danny didn't enjoy this visit. He had to get his first immunization shot. It was difficult to hear his little whimper as he was given the shot. 
I did reward Danny by taking him to the park afterwards.

Our first meeting

Danny is a Yorkshire Terrier. He weighs 2.5lbs at the moment.

I found Danny through Facebook in a community yard sale group. I knew from the moment that I saw his picture that I had to have him.

I fell in love with Danny at first sight. He was just a tiny pup, smaller than I had ever imagine. I knew I made the best decision once I held him in my arms.

A picture of Danny on the first night that we got him :)

A little about myself

Hello, let me start my first entry off with a little introduction. My name is Kelly. I am a pharmacy technician, a wife, and a mother to a beautiful yorkie puppy. I'm from rural Southeastern Utah. Danny whom is my yorkie is the primary reason for starting a blog. I would like to document all of our experiences with each other and share it with others. I hope you find some amusement from my entries.

- Kelly